What is the Cosmic Microwave Background?

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation was discovered in 1964. Since then, it has been studied with more precision and in greater detail. In this article, we examine these findings from the perspective of geometry and the 4D Aether.
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) permeates the whole of the known universe, which includes every square centimetre of space on Earth. Years before its discovery, scientists were engaged with an intense search for a luminiferous Aether, that would act as a mechanism that could transmit an electromagnetic wave through the vacuum of space. When they failed to identify it, the theory of the photon particle of light was introduced, which offered an alternative solution to the problem. However, as a photon was still required to exhibit wave-like properties, the concept of wave-particle duality was introduced, which became a central theme of quantum mechanics. The mechanism whereby a wave could be collapsed into a particle was subsequently ascribed to a function of human consciousness: the observer effect. Yet, the issue of the wave-like properties of light has never been properly resolved. Moreover, it is accepted that photons act like wave packets, which still required a medium in order to propagate. So, when the Cosmic Background Radiation was eventually discovered, you might think it would cause quantum physics to re-evaluate its stance. Instead, it was reduced to a remanent of the Big Bang, without ever considering it as a medium that would transport a light wave through the vacuum of space, removing the need for the particle properties of the photon. In this article, we explore the qualities of this energy, and propose a 4D Aether, which removes the wave-particle duality from quantum thinking and replaces it with simple logic, which resolves numerous problems associated with the traditional scientific model.KEy Points
- When the CMB is viewed as the transportation mechanism of light within the vacuum, we no longer need the photon to exhibit a particle-like nature
- The CMB fits the description of a 4D Aether and has various qualities that match the nature of the atom
- The CMB is the fabric of space-time, and is prevelant throughout the entire universe
What is The cosmic Microwave Background?
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is an energy field that permeates the whole of the Universe. Contrary to the description that it has been observed 'in the sky' as some have described it, it even appears in the space that surrounds you and even in the space between every atom. It really is a universal energy field, that exists everywhere, not just in some distance place.
What is The Aether?
In 1801, Thomas Young conducted an experiment that proved light was a wave. By directing light through a small slit, he produced a diffuse interference pattern indicative of a wave. Subsequently, Faraday discovered electricity, and developed the first electrical generator. This was followed by Maxwell, who formulated much of the mathematics that could describe Faraday's experiments, and subsequently discovered the electromagnetic spectrum. These discoveries paved the way for the radical transformation of the world, offering for the first time an alternative method for powering the civilisation we know today. Yet, one problem persisted. If light were a wave, then what is the medium that would carry it through the vacuum of space? When attempts such as the Michelson Morley experiment failed to detect the Aether, and the failing of classical wave theory predictions, which led to the Ultraviolet Catastrophe, the solution of the photon was proposed by Albert Einstein in 1901. This idea was supported by Max Planck, when he realised that light could be best described as quantised packets. Through mathematical examination of the data, he produced a constant (h) that limited the energy of the wave packets, and matched the observed phenomena to the photoelectric effect. However, in 1911, he also suggested that in order for this theory to work, the background of space should contain a tremendous amount of energy, that he termed the Zero Point Energy in the vacuum. It was around this time that scientists first started to discover the structure of the atom. A tiny nucleus surrounded by a field of electrons. As the theory of quantum physics was developed, two opposing views emerged. The Copenhagen interpretation of particle physics, and Quantum Wave Theory. Today, the particle definition is the primary model of the atom taught in schools. Yet, for those who study advanced physics, it is clear that the atom does not behave in this way. Instead, we find that the electron cloud is a field of energy, termed by particle physicists as a 'cloud of probability'. This was a big step for science, as prior to this, science required exact measurement and definition. The idea of wave-particle duality is still prevalent today, but it is worth pointing out that all of these theories dismissed Planck's original assertion that there should be a vast amount of energy in the vacuum of space. Indeed, it is this energy which prevents the speed of light being infinite. Just as Max Planck suggested, the empty vacuum is not empty, it is filled with energy. Physicist Robert B. Laughlin explains the reason for the reluctance of science to accept such an idea:It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise was that no such medium existed. The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or non-existence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent, but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo. Physicist Robert B. LaughlinTherefore, the reason the Aether is not accepted has nothing to do with science, but the taboos associated with it. In fact, modern theory has identified its existence, and cannot possibly work without it.
The flatness of space
What shape is the Universe? The idea that the Universe is a particular shape might seem like a strange idea. But it is a crucial concept if we are to understand what space actually is. The fact that we live in a 3D world was shown by the examination of gas that is released from a compressed state. Gas expands to form a uniform medium. This means that space can be modelled using simple 3D shapes, such as the sphere, or cube. But what about at larger scales, such as the Universe itself? In order to answer that question, we need to examine the nature of the CMB. It turns out that it is almost uniform in all directions, with only very slight variations in temperature. Therefore, through the measurement of the CMB, we know Euclidean Geometry holds true, even when measuring vast distances of space. When it was first discovered, the CMB seemed to have a uniform background temperature of 2.7 degrees kelvin. It wasn't until the first space mission, the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), launched by NASA in 1989 to specifically study the CBM, that tiny variations in temperature were detected. This was further improved upon by the WMAP space mission in 2003.
Gravity and the Aether
Is the Universe flat or curved? According to the relativistic theory of gravity, space-time becomes curved by mass, which creates a gravitational field. From this view, gravity is a consequence of us continuously 'falling' through space-time. However, the CMB proves that the universe is completely flat. If you shine two parallel lines out into space, they will remain parallel regardless of the distance travelled. So how can the Universe (space) be flat, but space-time be curved? The proposed solution: Whilst 3D space is flat, 4D space-time is curved by the density of matter that bends the fabric of space. However, from the perspective of geometry, this idea does not express the nature of the different types of 4D polytopes. In fact, there are a number of 4D objects, such as the hypercube and torus. The hypercube is formed of straight lines, whereas the torus is formed of curved lines.
The 4D torus, made of a curvature

The 4D hyper cube, made of straight lines
As scientists are not particularly geometrically minded, (or so it seems), this concept eludes the traditional description of space and time. Normally, this warping of space-time is shown as a flat plane, upon which an object with mass, such as the Earth, weighs down upon its surface. However, in the 4D model of the Universe, space-time is curved around the Earth, the exact opposite to current theory.

The Qualities of the CMB
The Cosmic Microwave Background has properties that have been observed and measured. Besides having an almost uniform temperature, it exhibits a frequency and a wavelength that are, like all electromatic waves, unified by the speed of light. If the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases, so that when the two are multiplied together the result will be the speed of light constant (c). The spectral radiance of the CMB can be measured by either the frequency or wavelength over a square meter of space. This gives two distinct results where the energy is most prevalent.Frequency, wavelength, energy, and temperature of the CMB
Wavelength | Frequency | Electron Volts | Energy | Temp | |
By Wavelength | 1.87 mm | 160.23 GHz | 7.74 x10-6 eV | 1.24 x10-24 J | 0.0180 K |
By Frequency | 1.06 mm | 282.82 GHz | 1.169 x10-3 eV | 187.4 x10-24 J | 2.73 K |
The Geometry of the CMB
The measurements of the CMB are extracted from a square meter of space. When we examine the frequency measurement, we find that the value 282.82 is almost exactly √8, 2.8284, which is the diagonal of a square with a side length of 2. Additionally, the temperature of 2.73K is exceedingly close to the value of √3+1, or 2.732. This means we can place the two values on a right angle triangle, with the third side measuring √3-1.
The Geometric relationship of Frequency (Red) to temperature (Green) of the CMB.
Furthermore, when 2 (space) is divided by √3-1 it produces √3+1, the temperature of the CMB. In Dimensionless Science, we use 3 to express the Speed of Light (c). We also introduce a new constant for the speed of sound in an infinitely dense noble gas, as √c, i.e. √3. The 4D Aether exhibits the properties of an incompressible fluid, which produces resistance in the vacuum of space. This limits the maximum speed at which an electromagnetic wave (light) can penetrate such a substance. In fact, it is electromagnetic resistance that limits the speed of light. In 4D Aether theory, this is expressed as a 4D rotation, as shown in the image of the hypercube above. So, where do we find the value √3±1? A cube with a side-length of 1 will have a diagonal of √3. Therefore, a cube with a diagonal of 1 will have a side length of √3-1. If these two cubes are added together, the combined diagonal will equal √3+1. This produces a particular type of hypercube comprised of 3 cubes. The inner and outer cube can 'pivot' (4D rotation), around the central cube, with a side-length of 1.
The CMB and the electron
The 4D hyper-cubic expression of the CMB also expresses a relationship between its temperature, the speed of light (dimensionless constant 3), and of the mass of an electron. By multiplying the side-lengths of the inner and outer cubes shown above, we get the value of √3+1 / 3. i.e. temperature divided by the speed of light. The result is a value that is very close to the electron mass.me ÷ ((√3 +1)/3) = 1.00027...

The Hyper-cubic relationship Between the temperature of the CMB and the electron mass.
Using the traditional scientific constants, we find that (T/c) ÷ Me = 9.9811 x1021, where T is the temperature of the CMB, c the speed of light, and Me the mass of the electron. This value is reduced in scale to 0.99811 x1014 when we take into consideration that the CMB measurements are complied using a square meter, as the speed of light value is normally considered at much larger scales. As the suggested 'diameter' of an electron is about 10-14 meters, this value resolves to the correct scale, i.e 0.99811, a difference of less than 0.002. It is worth noting that the diameter of the electron has never actually been proven to exist. Traditional atomic theory has no explanation as to why the electron should exhibit its particular mass or size values, which are calculated in terms of its minimum distance from the proton. If the correlation between the electron and CMB were established, then it would represent a complete revolution of our current scientific thinking.The CMB and electron Cloud
The simplified models of the atom, such as those taught in schools and used by chemists, shows a nucleus surrounded by shells into which an electron can fall. This has been proven not to be the case. Such ideas are based upon the Bohr interpretation, which dates back to the early 1900s. By the 1920s, it had already become clear that electrons do not orbit the nucleus like planets orbit in the solar system. Instead, they form a cloud of energy, which itself has a geometric structure, a topic covered in great detail in our theory of Atomic Geometry. Whilst it does provide a more simplistic system in many regards, that fact that many people view the electron as a particle has created a mainstream view of the atom that is simply not factually correct. Yet, when we consider the CMB that permeates every inch of space in the Universe, we can begin to adjust our view towards a more accurate understanding. If we imagine a vacuum, devoid of atoms, then light will expand from a source at the speed of light. This speed is limited by the electromagnetic resistance of the vacuum, which is how the constant (c) is derived. The atomic nucleus is formed of protons and neutrons, which have a measured radius, unlike the electron which only is expressed as a 'point charge'. This defines the amount of energy the field expresses at a certain distance from the atomic nucleus. Imagine that a proton is immersed in the CMB, which creates a warping of its fabric, as its mass density makes it harder for the energy to travel through it. Therefore, the electron takes the path of least resistance and bends around it, just as in our previous description of the gravitational field. The electron cloud is therefore just a description of this distortion. Any displacement of the CMB increases the field strength around that object.
Notice that in the 4D quantised image (right) the electron field is formed from a single circle (blue). This prevents the electron from collapsing into the atom, as predicted by the Bohr model of the atom.
Notice, that the field lines of the CMB field in the image above become pushed closer together, indicating an increase in strength. However, even this is not the whole picture when we consider the 4D nature of the CMB, and proton interaction. From the perspective of the 4th dimension, the torus generates the quantised nature of the electron cloud. From this view, the electron, and proton are a unified 4D phenomena. In the Universe at large, there are exactly the same number of protons as there are electrons. When an electron is removed from a proton, it will immediately seek to recombine in order to produce a stable atomic structure. It does not matter which electron, what matters is that the 4D field returns to a unity state. As the CMB is a universal field, any disturbance in one part will affect the whole. This is already suggested by the fact that all bodies in the Universe are effecting each other, according to both electromagnetic field theory, and gravitation. When we generate electricity, we are changing the balance of the field, not creating energy out of nothing. For example, a battery only produces an electric current for as long as there is an imbalance of charge of the plates that make each cell. Electricity does not run down the wire, rather the magnetic field sets up a quantum effect, which establishes the charge in the circuit. When we begin to adapt our thinking to this more accurate description of the electromagnetic field and the nature of the atom, in light of a 4D Aether, it begins to resolve many of the problems associated with standard theory. The unification of the nature of electromagnetic waves and the frequency of the CMB, which pervades the whole universe, offers a new solution to the stable nature of the electron orbitals. For each atom is emersed in the CMB, which in turn maintains the atomic structure. If this is the case, it would be the largest revolution in atomic thinking since the first discovery of the atom, and would finally resolve the stable nature of the electron cloud.The CMB and the Hydrogen atom
It is a curious fact that the existing model of the atom cannot produce the value for the experimentally measured radius of the hydrogen atom. The Bohr radius suggests a value of 53 pico meters, whereas the Van Der Waal radius is 120 pico metres. Yet, the experimentally measured value is only 25 pico meters with a tolerance of ±5 pm. This means the calculations are out by over 100% to almost 500%. We can find the value for the surface area of a sphere with the equation r² x 4Ï€. Therefore, the hydrogen atom with a radius of 0.25pm will have a surface area of 1/4Ï€. When we divide the value for the electron mass of (√3+1)/3 by 1/4Ï€, we obtain the distribution of energy over the surface of the sphere, 1.1595. This is extremely close to the value for electron volts for the CMB, of 1.166. In fact, if we substitute the electron mass for the official constant of 9.1093 x 10-31 and reduce the radius of the hydrogen atom by just 0.1pm to equal 24.9pm, then the result is 1.169, which is well within the experimental error of ± 5 pico meters.9.1093x10-31 / 24.9 x 10-12)² x 4Ï€ = 1.169x10-10
CMB eV = 1.169x10-3
me = 9.1093x10-31 and Hydrogen Radius = 24.9 x 10-12
Notice, that the CMB value is 107 times greater than the actual result. However, this is derived for a meter of space. To resolve the value to the pico meter, we should divide the CMB value by 1012.1.169x10-3 / 1012 = 1.169x10-15
CMB eV per pico meter = 1.169x10-15
This means that 100,000 units of CMB radiation, equivalent to 1 unit of energy, are distributed over the surface sphere of the hydrogen atom. But what is the real significance of this? To make it easier to comprehend, we can imagine unwrapping the surface area of the hydrogen sphere, into a square, and dividing its side into 100 units. This will produce 10,000 small squares over its surface. Each of the smaller units can be filled with ten quantum of energy units from the CMB.
Collapsing the wave function
The electron cloud is noted for exhibiting various peculiarities. Whilst its wave-like nature is generally accepted, the idea that the wave can collapse into a single particle is also a fundamental tenant of the standard model. It is mostly believed that the act of measuring the electron collapses its wave-like nature into a particle. This is called collapsing the wave function, which is described by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Scientist can identify the location of the electron, or its momentum, but not both at the same time. We can imagine that the act of measuring the electron collapses the energy into a single point on the surface of the s-orbital field. This means that every point on the surface of the sphere has the potential to express the entire energy of the electron as a single point. We can express this by taking the value for the surface area and multiplying it by the mass value for the electron.(9.1093x10-31) x ((24.9 x 10-12)² x 4Ï€) = 0.7097x10-51
(0.7097x10-51)² = 8.0594 x 10-120 This value almost exactly measures a quarter wavelength of the wavelength of the CMB, 282.82 GHz, or √8÷4.0.7097x10-51 x 4 = 2.8389 x10-50
A more exact number is produced with a hydrogen radius of 24.853 pico meters, only -0.047 pico meters out from the actual measure radius of 25 pm.
But what is the significance of this seeming coincidence? When scientists study the hydrogen atom, it is often bombarded with highly energetic alpha or gamma radiation. This dislodges the electron, whereby it makes a detectable imprint on a metallic plate. In the process, the hydrogen atom is annihilated, which is the fundamental reason why we can only know its position, and not its momentum, or vice versa. By measuring the trajectory of the electron, it is possible to establish its location. Or by mathematically working out its mass, we can deduce its 'momentum'. However, the idea that the atom is immersed in the vacuum energy provides us with a slightly different view. When a high-powered energy wave strikes the electron field, it disrupts the CMB, causing the proton to become detached from the electron field. The electron's energy gets propelled through the Aether as a 4D wave, which can be detected.

The CMB Elementary charge
The scientific constant for elementary charge is denoted by e, which is the fundamental unit of energy. The quantised nature of reality means that e only appears as whole number integers. The exception are quarks that are theorised to exhibit a 1/3 or 2/3 elementary charge, although they have never been isolated, and so only exist as constituent parts of the proton or neutron. Presently, elementary charge (e) has a value of 1.60217 ×10−19 coulombs (C). Returning to our examination of the spectral radiance values obtained for the CMB, we find a similar correlation between the value for energy (187.4 J) when measured by frequency and wavelength (1.87 mm) when measured by wavelength. What is profoundly interesting is that when the speed of light (c) is divided by elementary charge (e), we arrive at almost exactly the same value.c/e = 1.8711 x 1027
From the perspective of 4D, the speed of light does not represent a photon travelling through space. Moreover, it is attributed to the maximum expansion of a spherical wave as it overcomes the resistance of the energy in the vacuum, the background Aether. This resistance is expressed by two constants, the electro-resistive aspect (ε0) and the magnetic resistive aspect (Ï…0). What this shows us is that the limitation of c can also be associated to the energy or wavelength of the CMB, which in turn creates the energy quanta (e). This can be demonstrated mathematically simply by inverting the equation.e x CMB wavelength (1.8711 x1015) = c ÷ 1012
As light frequency and wavelength of an electromagnetic wave will also equal c when multiplied, we find that (e) is equivalent to the wavelength of the CMB. The speed of light and CMB wavelength can be reduced from the GHz range (10-3) for a meter, to the Pico meter range at 10-12, to produce a scale at 10-15, whereby we find both quantities unify to one. The fundamental unit of energy (e) is found to be the wavelength or energy of the CMB, depending upon which method is used to extract the data. The unification of the CMB now shows a correlation between the fundamental quantised energy units of reality, as well as the mass, and supposed size of the electron, and hydrogen atom.The CMB and the proton
The proton is found in the nucleus of the atom. Conventional theory suggest that it is a positively charged particle, with a value of +1e, whereas the electron is negativity charged with a value of -1e. For this reason, all neutral atoms will exhibit the same number of protons to electrons. The hydrogen atom is constituted with just one proton and one electron. When these come into equilibrium, the electron will reside in the lowest energy shell. Only when it receives enough energy from a photon will the electron 'jump' into a higher shell, absorbing the photon in the process. The word 'jump' is used here, as it can never exist in an in between state. This is why the electron is quantised. The equilibrium of the electron and the proton are expressed in terms of the elementary charge constant.proton = +1e and electron = -1e = 0
The positive charge of the proton and the negative charge of the electron reach an equilibrium, which defines the lowest energy shell of the atom.
As mentioned previously, the classical interpretation of the atom suggests that the proton is made up of quarks, that are theoretically made of third charges. The 'UP' quark is made of +2/3e, whilst the 'DOWN' quark -1/3e. From this view, a single proton is made of two UP quarks and one DOWN, which gives it an overall charge of 1e. The neutron on the other hand has one UP quark and two DOWN, which gives it a zero charge of 0e. When we divide the Elementary Charge constant by 2/3 we get the result 1.06811 which is the value for the wavelength of the CMB when the wave is used to examine its spectral radiance. This means that the UP quark holds a charge that is equivalent to the wavelength of the CMB at 1.06 mm.2/3e = 1.06811 x 10-19
CMB Wavelength = 1.06mm
However, the coincidence does not end there. The radius of the proton is between 0.84–0.87 Fm when calculated by the root-mean-square charge radius, although more recent studies place the value at 0.833 Fm. A radius of 0.848 can be divided into three, to produce the result 0.28266 Fm, which is a great match for the frequency for the CMB, 282.73 GHz.Proton Radius = 0.848 / 3 = 0.28266 fm
CMB Frequency = 282.73 GHz We can substitute the value of three with the speed of light and get a similar result. A more exact result is gained with a photon radius of 0.2827 fm. Again, we can invert the equation, so that the speed of light at the femtometre scale can be multiplied by the CMB frequency to produce the photon radius.Proton radius (0.8476 x 10-15) ÷ (c ÷1019 )= 2.8273 x 10-5
(c ÷1019 ) x (282.73 ÷ 10-3) = 8.476 x10-10c x CMB frequency = Proton Radius x 10-5
Note that the speed of light (c) is reduced to the fm scale by a factor of 10-19>
What we recognise is that the radius of the proton seems to correlate to the frequency of the CMB multiplied by the speed of light. Furthermore, the speed of light (c) can be divided by elementary charge (e), which constitutes the energy of a single proton, to produce the energy of the CMB. The fact that energy, radius, and even the nature of UP quark charges can all be traced back to the qualities measured from the CMB, begins to suggest it is much more than just a remanent of a Big Bang explosion. Instead, we start to realise that it may well lie at the very heart of quantum phenomena.The CMB Anomalies
The CMB also exhibits a few peculiar traits that a 4D Aether is able to solve. The first of these is the low-â„“ multipole controversy anomaly. In particular, the quadrupole and octupole (â„“ = 3) modes appear to have an unexplained alignment with each other and with both the ecliptic plane and equinoxes. What this mean is that there appears to be an alignment of the CMB to our own galaxy and even the relationship between the Earth and the Sun. A quadrupole is a magnetic field that is in a square alignment, and the octupole is in a cubic form. In atomic theory, these â„“ = 3 modes form F-orbital shells, which is the final type of orbital found to maintain a stable atom.
Find out more about the structure of the electron cloud in our new theory of ATOMIC GEOMETRY
The CMB, whilst exhibiting an almost uniform temperature, exhibits a large area that is substantially colder than the average temperature. Various theories have been postulated, from a large invisible void of some kind, to a collision with a parallel Universe. However, a far more simple solution is found if we consider that the Universe is toroidal in nature. This cold spot could indicate the 'pole' of a torus field.
The CMB and gravity
Gravity still remains an unsolved problem. There have been numerous attempts to form a cohesive theory that will work at both the macroscopic level of the Universe and at the microscopic scales of the atom. Yet, none have thus far successfully solved the problem of quantum gravity. As shown previously, from the perspective of the 4D Aether, gravity is created by the distortion of the CMB by a large mass, that warps the fabric of space-time around the object. We also find evidence of this when we consider the relationship of the election and proton to the CMB. When the electron mass is multiplied by the surface area of the hydrogen atom, it produces a value that is ¼ that of the CMB frequency. We can express this as the fraction √8/4. We can also divide the CMB frequency by the speed of light, which will roughly equate to the fraction √8/3. When these values are multiplied together, the result is the Newtonian gravity constant (G).((282.73 x10-3 / 4) x (282.73 x10-3 / c)) ÷ G = 0.9987
CMB Frequency = 282.73 GHz | c = 299792485 m/s | G = 6.674 x10-11
Here, we can see an almost exact unity between the CMB, the surface of the hydrogen atom, the speed of light, and the gravitational constant. If this should be more than a coincidence, it would be the first time that a gravitational theory could address the quantum scale. Interestingly, this could be calculated without consideration of the strong or weak nuclear force. These theoretical forces are employed in order to explain why neutrons and protons are bound so tightly together, and to describe the interactions of electrons and other elementary particles. However, if these force interactions can be removed through the CMB relationship, then the only forces that remain are the electromagnetic, and gravitational force. All of which are fundamentally governed by the geometry of a 4th Dimensional Aether. THEConclusion

What is the Cosmic Microwave Backgound?
Whilst it may be considered as the remnants of a Big Bang as proposed by the expansion theory, from the perspective of the 4th Dimension it can also represent a 4D Aether. The CMB covers every unit of space throughout the Universe. Its qualities are found to express the dimensions and energy of the quark, proton, electron, and hydrogen atom. From this view, the CMB is the prime cause for the quantised nature of reality, as a natural consequence of 4D rotation.

What does this mean?
The idea of an Expanding Universe, where matter appears to be disconnected from the vacuum of space it occupies, begins to become seriously challenged by the 4D Aether view. Instead, it proposes that at the smallest scales of reality, the 4th dimension is at work, quantising reality into moments of causal time. Therefore, the 4D Aether offers a new insight into the nature of time and space itself.
The correlation between the CMB and the atomic structure is so prevalent, that a 4D Aether Theory begins to make more sense, as it begins to solve the wave-particle paradox presented by quantum mechanics. It offers a completely new view of gravitational fields, electromagnetic waves, and the zero point energy field.
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How does the 4D Aether explain gravitation?ANSWER?
When we adjust our view towards the idea that every point of space in the Universe is immersed in a background Aether, we begin to understand the interconnected nature of the reality. This includes the nature of gravity at both the quantum and universal scales. A 4D geometry is formed of both a space and time function, as it goes through a 4D rotation. The rotational force in the Universe is, in turn, related to the gravitational field. A 4D geometry, such as the hypercube, can fill space both uniformly and in a fractal manner. It can express the same qualities at the various scales found throughout reality. If we can identify the correct mechanism that manifests these gravitational fields, then we may well be able to solve the quantum gravity problem.
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