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Geometric Maths - Axioms and Definitions

Geometric Math introduces a novel approach to mathematical foundations, utilising the Universal set (I) and the Real number plane (Я²). The axioms establish equilibrium through the division of a dot, leading to foundational units (U) and the exploration of powers and dimensionality. The Infinite Density Function reveals the reciprocal relationships between the Real and Communicative number planes. This revolutionary framework not only redefines numbers but also shows promising applications in areas such as compression algorithms, internet security, and advanced AI. Geometric Math has the potential to reshape mathematical thinking and address challenges in modern science. Overview Geometric Math pioneers a transformative approach to mathematics, redefining fundamental concepts like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Rooted in the Universal set (I) and the Real number plane (ЯR), composed from real numbers between 0 and 1 and real numbers

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