Inverse Geometry

This weeks featured course - Inverse Geometry Info Description Requirements Info


Just as our lungs expand when we breathe in, they contract when we breathe out. This nature of opposites is found all around us. But what is the basis of this process?

In this course, you will learn the principle of Inverse Geometry in the example of very basic 2D forms such as the circle, triangle, square and pentagon. Understand what this law implies for space and life itself, and start to put together another piece of the puzzle. This includes drawing of 2D shapes and folding them.

We recommend the 2 types of 2D course as a preparation for this course.

    • Drawing compass
    • Ruler
    • Pencils
    • Craft Paper
    • Scissors
    • Some colours

    This is a practical drawing course filled with Accelerated Learning techniques. Make sure you have the complete Toolset.


30 min - 1 hour






1 Credit



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